The Path of Distributed Systems... With Some Forecasts for the Future

Alex Keller
Data Engineer, Lover of Machine Learning and Functional Programming

With the flood of mobile devices, NoSQL databases and cloud services, you most likely already have experienced a distributed system first hand. Distributed computing is turning into a standard obstacle we all must plan for in our software applications. Writing distributed applications is both more important and more challenging than ever. We are confronted with Impossibility Theorems (CAP), Consensus Protocols, and Failure Detection. In this talk Alex presents the distributed computing landscape, from past to present and beyond. Along the way he discusses the decisions and trade-offs that were made with using an actor model, its theoretical foundation, why it is designed the way it is and what the future of Event-driven, Scalable, Resilient and Responsive applications.

Talk objectives:

- To give a knowledge of the past, present, and future of distributed systems. To fundamentally show how Erlang's actors model solve real world needs.

Target audience:

- This talk is targeting to the intermediate level, we pass through all the challenges of distributed systems and journey from Cap to Paxos.

Alex has worked on distributed systems, graph processing and machine learning. From Google to NCAR with data engineering, predictive modeling - started his own company focusing on functional programming, problems solving in Erlang, Scala, Distributed ML and graph theory. As of the last few months Alex has decided to go back to school focusing on cognitive science, neural computation and topological data analysis (TDA). As of April, Alex is has also started working as a senior data engineer, scaling graph computations for influencer and diffusion modelling/analysis.

Twitter: @ComplexQubit

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