Ulf Norell
QuickCheck expert
QuviQ AB

Ulf Norell got his PhD in computer science in 2007 and is now a post doc at
Chalmers University of Technology where he is developing dependently typed
functional programming languages and teaching a master's level course on
advanced functional programming. Since 2008 he has been working for
Quviq AB,
helping to bring the QuickCheck testing tool to Erlang developers.

Ulf Norell is Giving the Following Talks
Testing Asynchronous Behaviour in ejabberd with QuickCheck
Ejabberd is an instant messaging server with lots of asynchronous behaviour. Such asynchronous behaviour is awkward to test, because of its inherent non-determinism. Variable event order and timing uncertainties can easily lead test cases to fail when they ought to pass, generating "false positives" that hinder testing. Yet coping with all possible event orderings and timings can make test cases hopelessly complex. When test cases are generated, these problems become even harder.
In this talk, we'll present a new way of expressing asynchronous properties that avoids these problems, and show how we used it to develop a simple QuickCheck specification for ejabberd message delivery.
In this talk, we'll present a new way of expressing asynchronous properties that avoids these problems, and show how we used it to develop a simple QuickCheck specification for ejabberd message delivery.