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Chris Anderson
CouchDB committer and evangelist
CouchDB Ltd

Chris Anderson is an Apache CouchDB committer and co-author of the forthcoming O'Reilly book "CouchDB: The Definitive Guide". He's a principal of CouchDB Ltd, consulting on large scale and custom CouchDB projects. He lives in Portland, Oregon where he also designs and evangelizes the CouchApp JavaScript framework.

Chris Anderson is Giving the Following Talks
CouchDB Apps

“Look Ma, no middleware”. This presentation is a tour de force through building standalone CouchDB applications with nothing but HTML & Ajax directly talking to CouchDB’s REST API.

CouchDB applications run locally, on a users machine. Application data can be replicated between users and central servers alike using a peer to peer structure. Users can access their data when offline (for example when on a plane). Even the applications themselves can be replicated (for software updates) and tech-savy users can enhance their local copy and make patches to their friends and co-workers available through replication.

Bring your Laptop to follow along when we build the example application. Bonus points, when you come with a running CouchDB installation.
Chris Anderson is Teaching the Following Courses

Target Audience: Web Developer, Software Architect, Database Administrator or a current user of CouchDB who needs formal training.
Prerequisites: You should have a basic understanding of web technologies (HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, Server-Side Scripting, databases) and an open mind for a new way of thinking about data.
This is a three-day tutorial split into morning and afternoon sessions. Each block ends with exercises that are reviewed in the beginning of the following block.
Goal: Learn CouchDB — all of it.
Duration: Three days.
Registration: 08:30 on 27th April 2009 at the Sheraton Palo Alto.
This three day course takes you from a gentle introduction into new ways of dealing with your data, over building a new kind of peer-to-peer applications using web technologies to deployment and high-performance strategies and internals.
Your teachers are J Chris Anderson and Jan Lehnardt, both CouchDB core developers and full-time CouchDB consultants. Learn everything directly from the source and be sure, the things you learn are field-tested.