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Heinz N. Gies
Creator of Project FiFo
Project Fifo

Heinz learned to write his first lines of code when he was still a kid and was passionate about it ever after. After finishing school he worked in the telco-industry for a couple of years but never lost his passion for programming along the way. He discovered Erlang about two years ago and fell hopelessly in love with its concepts. Project FiFo is his first big Erlang project and started out mid-year 2012 as a tool for him and his friends who shared a sever together. Since then Project FiFo became bigger and bigger until Heinz decided to work full-time on it in December 2012.

IRC: Licenser

Heinz N. Gies is Giving the Following Talks
Project FiFo - Building an Infrastructure Cloud with Erlang and SmartOS

Project FiFo is an open source cloud orchestrations suite for SmartOS written from the ground up in Erlang. The talk will be split into three segments. Starting with a short introduction of Project FiFo the first segment will cover things such as “What is FiFo exactly?”, “What can it do?” and “How does it look?”. After that Heinz will talk about his experience using Erlang in the development especially the advantages and disadvantages of using Erlang in the process of creating Project FiFo. After all that is covered, in the third part, he will take the time to give you a deeper insight into one of FiFo’s major components “Snarl” and show of some of the implementation details.

Talk objectives: The goal of the talk is to give a quick introduction of project FiFo and its functionalities as well as an insight into the development process using Erlang. Heinz wants to give a feeling for why Erlang works so well for his case and where it’s benefits really start to shine. Finally he’ll go in depth with one of FiFo’s major features.

Target audience: People interested in cloud computing, in distributed systems, riak_core & friends and/or SmartOS / Solaris