Stuart Bailey
CTO and Founder of Infoblox and just a regular guy from Chicago

Stuart defines Infoblox's technology vision. Before founding Infoblox in 1999, Stuart held a five-year stint as technical lead for the Laboratory for Advanced Computing/National Center for Data Mining at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he led teams in developing advanced distributed data architectures. He is an Erlang enthusiast driving a vision for an Erlang based OpenFlow switching platform to help inspire networking improvements in the OTP and other large scale distributed systems.

Stuart Bailey is Giving the Following Talks
Erlang and OpenFlow: A Match Made in the Cloud!
How our view of networking must evolve to address the multi-core crisis!
I'll be describing LINC: an Open Source OpenFlow switching platform developed in Erlang, intended for use with the OTP. I will also introduce OpenFlow, the Open Network Foundation, and the community around LINC called
Talk objectives: Spark debate and interest in solving networking challenges in ultra-scale computing platforms like Erlang/OTP and Scala/AKKA.
Target audience: The Erlang/OTP community and emerging ultra-scale computing enthusiasts.
How our view of networking must evolve to address the multi-core crisis!
I'll be describing LINC: an Open Source OpenFlow switching platform developed in Erlang, intended for use with the OTP. I will also introduce OpenFlow, the Open Network Foundation, and the community around LINC called
Talk objectives: Spark debate and interest in solving networking challenges in ultra-scale computing platforms like Erlang/OTP and Scala/AKKA.
Target audience: The Erlang/OTP community and emerging ultra-scale computing enthusiasts.