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Nitin Borwankar
Independent consultant and Project Manager

Nitin Borwankar is a database professional with 20 yrs of industry experience. He has worked at Sybase and Ingres in the 90's. He has been building data driven webapps since the days of oracle/sybase and perl through J2EE/EJB through LAMP stack apps and now CouchDB.  

He has written on database technology for and blogs at on database issues in social networks and tagging applications.  He is an independent consultant and is Project Manager of the BKN project.

Nitin Borwankar is Giving the Following Talks
CouchDB Case Studies

CouchDB w/ Lisp Flavored Erlang - talk by Tim Dysinger
Tim will show some neat tricks playing with CouchDB and Erlang nodes. He has written some Lisp Flavored Erlang code to manipulate and map/reduce the Enron Email Dataset on multiple CouchDB nodes. He’ll show how to pull out miscellaneous aggregated data we might use in warehouse reports.

CouchDB and bibJSON and the Bibliographic Knowledge Network - talk by Nitin Borwankar
The Bibliographic Knowledge Network ( is an NSF funded project to extract knowledge out of aggreagte bibliographies of academic researchers. A foundation problem that needs to be solved is one of author disambiguation ( is J. Pitman the same as Jim Pitman or Jane Pitman ?). BKN is in the process of evolving workflows for name disambiguation so that social network analysis of academic collaboration can be carried with confidence in identity of participants. Bibliographic data is available in mostly untyped or weakly typed data which makes disambiguation difficult. Our experience of the ease of use and robustness of CouchDB encouraged us to evolve a next generation bibliographic data format (bibJSON) which is in early draft form. We have evolved workflows that refine untyped bibliographic data and convert it to data with strong identity of authors. We use CouchDB to anchor a lot of the workflows and Python client side scripts to import/export data. The talk includes an overview of the state of the BKN project and how CouchDB is a foundation element of our technology.