Controlling Datacenter Cooling Infrastructure

Garret Smith
Control System Architect @ SynapSense

SynapSense uses Erlang to optimize datacenter cooling infrastructure, using minimum energy to keep your cloud servers cool. Erlang enabled us to build a reliable, hybrid Erlang/Java system in a very short time and evolve the architecture as we learned. I'll cover a variety of topics relevant to anyone using or considering Erlang: why we chose Erlang initially and now, integrating Erlang and Java and how our architecture has evolved over 4 years from dist_ac/Mnesia to gproc/gen_leader/pg2 to improve reliability and scalability. I'll wrap up with the basics of designing for reliability with interesting parallels between critical mechanical infrastructure and software.

Talk objectives:

Give developers insight into real-world challenges of designing for reliability and building hybrid Erlang/Java systems.

Target audience:

Developers looking to introduce Erlang into a legacy system or design a distributed architecture.


Garret Smith is a polyglot software engineer always looking for better ways to solve problems. Lately he has been working on control software for the mechanical infrastructure, made mostly of metal and concrete, that keeps your cloud aloft.

GitHub: garret-smith

Twitter: @GarretESmith

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