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Stavros Aronis
Hunter of discrepancies in Erlang code

A student of Kostis Sagonas, Stavros Aronis finished his master in NTUA, Greece on February 2011, with the implementation of an extension for Dialyzer’s type system and joined the tool’s development team afterwards. He is on his way to continue with Ph.D. studies in Uppsala University, doing an internship in Klarna’s R&D department in Stockholm in the meantime.

Twitter: @Vahnatai

Stavros Aronis is Giving the Following Talks
Tutorial: How to start using Dialyzer in your project

Dialyzer is a static analysis tool that identifies software discrepancies such as definite type errors, code which has become dead or unreachable due to some programming error, unnecessary tests, etc. in single Erlang modules, applications or whole systems. Even though it is one of the oldest tools available to Erlang developers, it lacks a proper user manual since its release, due to the self-explanatory nature of its warnings. This talk presents a small practical guide to the tool, assembled while introducing the systematic use of Dialyzer in a legacy project. It deals with initial difficulties (how to run Dialyzer, overcome initial crashes, deal with the causes of common warnings and discern the important or simple-to-fix discrepancies from the rest), as well as the integration of the tool into the testing, documentation and maintenance procedures of a project (how to ensure that the code is in compliance with accurate type specifications, remains free of common discrepancies and respects the interface of opaque data structures).