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José Valim
Engineer, open-source developer

José Valim  is a member of the Ruby on Rails Core Team and a publisher by the Pragmatic Programmers. Software developer for 8 years, he graduated in Engineering by the São Paulo University and has a Master of Science by Politecnico di Torino, in Italy. He is also the lead-developer of Plataforma Tec, a consultancy firm based in Brazil, an active member of the Open Source community and is frequently traveling and speaking at conferences.

Twitter: @josevalim

José Valim is Giving the Following Talks
Elixir - A modern approach to programming for the Erlang VM

Elixir is a programming language which runs on the Erlang VM. Elixir provides modern features for the Erlang VM as macro meta-programming (Elixir itself is homoiconic), protocols and namespaces.

Elixir and Erlang share the same bytecode and data types, which ensures easy-communication between Elixir and Erlang without any performance hit.

In this talk, José Valim will cover the main goals and features in Elixir using code examples while also presenting some of the rationale and changes behind the language design over the last one year.