Hans Svensson
QuickCheck expert who has visited the dark corners of Erlang

Hans is one of the core developers of QuickCheck contributing to a number of essential QuickCheck libraries. At Quviq he has been creating QuickCheck properties for a wide variety of applications, among which automotive and telecommunication systems.

Hans Svensson is Giving the Following Talks
WebDriver: Controlling your Web Browser
Quviq developed an open sourced Erlang implementation of the WebDriver protocol.
This implementation allows an Erlang programmer to fully interact with a web browser, such as Google Chrome, Opera and Firefox. Testing web services in different browsers is made possible via test cases written in Erlang. This in its turn allows us to use QuickCheck for testing web services. Many random scenario's are tested and when the website differs from the intended behaviour we automatically find the shortest user interaction bringing us to that unintended behaviour. We can demonstrate this in any web browser supporting WebDriver.
Another use case is that we can record test cases using Selenium and translate them into EUnit test cases, which can be used by learning algorithms to create QuickCheck models from.
The development also brought forward a number of software errors in for example Erlang's httpc module, Chrome driver and Selenium server.
Talk objectives: This talk will show you how to test web services in different browsers using Erlang.
Target audience: Erlang programmers developing and/or testing web services.