OTP Express - 8-10 June
Trainer: Michal Slaski
Target Audience: This course is aimed at experienced Erlang Software Developers and Designers who need to understand Behaviours.
Prerequisites: Existing experience using Sequential and Concurrent Programming with Erlang on projects.
• Use existing Design Patterns supported by Erlang and OTP.
• Apply Generic Behaviours, Finite State Machines and Event handler Patterns.
• Use the Supervisor and Applicaton Behaviours Patterns.
• Write your own Design Patterns.
• Structure large Erlang based systems.
Goal: Design fault-tolerant systems.
Duration: Three days
Registration: 08:30 on 8 June 2015
Business Center Bilpalatset
S:t Eriksgatan 117 C, 7 tr
113 43
The nearest metro is S:T Eriksplan
A downloadable map is available here
You will learn the prevailing Erlang Design Patterns called OTP Behaviours. We will cover Erlang Design Patterns such as Generic Behaviours, Finite State Machines and Event Handlers. You will also learn how to develop systems using the Supervisor and Application Behaviours Patterns, so you can construct maintainable and fault tolerant software. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to extend it all, by devising your very own Behaviours.
This section introduces the need and advantages of using middleware in the developmentof massively concurrent, distributed, fault tolerant real time systems in Erlang. It looks at Erlang's evolution, and how it helped form OTP. Further this gives an overview of the components that make up OTP. They are Erlang, a set of behaviours, and rules and design principles to use them. OTP comes with many ready built applications and tools useful for large scale software design. They are introduced in this section.
Erlang processes display similar properties. In the Open Telecom platforms, these properties have been abstracted in a group of generic library modules, also called OTP behaviours. This section introduces the concept of behaviours, and through examples of abstraction, shows their need and advantages.
Generic Servers
Generic servers implement the Client-Server behaviours in OTP. This section introduces the most commonly used behaviour in Erlang based applications.
Finite State Machines
The finite state machines behaviour in Erlang is used to implement state transitions in processes based on incoming events. This behaviour is commonly used when implementing protocol stacks.
Supervisors are a behaviour whose only task is to start other Erlang behaviours and monitor them for abnormal termination. This is a vital section in understanding start and restart strategies in Erlang.
Event Handlers
Erlang has ready built event managers. Event handlers are behaviours who subscribe to events sent to specific managers, allowing several actions to take place based on one single event. Event handlers can be changed on the fly, as well as added or deleted from a specific manager.
This section introduces the application behaviour, used for packaging Erlang resources. Resources can vary from libraries to process clusters, and can be configured to run on a single processor or be distributed on a set of nodes.
Special Processes
There will be times where we want to implement our own behaviours, or for efficiency reason, use simple Erlang processes. This section looks behind the scenes on how behaviours are implemented, and explains how to implement your own.
System Principles
The System Principles section describes how Erlang applications are coupled together in a release and started as a whole. Sections include creating release files, bundling up the software including the virtual machine, and running Erlang on target and embedded hosts.
Advanced Erlang Techniques - 8-10 June
Trainer: Robert Virding
Target Audience: Software Developers, Support & Test Engineers with experience in Erlang,
Prerequisites: Knowledge and experience of Erlang, at least equivalent to Erlang by Example or Erlang Express courses. Knowledge of OTP is beneficial but not strictly necessary. Experience with building and maintaining large systems.
Objectives: Understand how to use more expert tools for building and testing systems. Understand the basics of profiling and debugging of running systems.
Duration: Three days
Registration: 08:30 on 8 June 2015
Erlang Solutions AB
Saltmätargatan 5
113 59
The nearest metro is Rådmansgatan
Course Contents:
This three-day course presents some more advanced tools for building applications with Erlang. It also gives insight into the tracing tools in the system which allow support engineers to inspect and monitor running systems. The Common Test testing environment is also described with examples of how to build testing environments from the very simplest upto complex environments for testing distributed systems. There are exercises for all the sections in this course.
Types and Checking
While Erlang is dynamically typed it is practical to be able to document the types of functions in a consistent way. In this section we present the standard way of specifying function types. We also present two very useful tools, dialyzer and typer, which are used to type check applications.
Parse Transforms
There are many occasions when it is useful to be able to generate code at compile time. The standard OTP system as well as commonly used libraries do this. This section covers parse transforms, the standard Erlang compiler interface for this, as well as some tools which are useful together with parse transforms.
Common Test
A guide on how to use Common Test, from unit tests to large scale testing. This covers unit test, testing with state, test groups and suites, how to configure tests, write specifications and do distributed testing.
The standard Erlang release contains a number profiling tools. This sections looks at these and shows they can be used to profile systems to gain a deeper understanding of their behaviour.
Trace Bifs and Match Specifications
Trace bifs provide a low-level trace mechanism which can be used without trace compiling the code. It allows tracing garbage collection, memory consumption, message passing, and other process activities including local and global function calls. This section looks at how to activate and deactivate the different trace flags as well as turning them on for different processes, modules and functions. It also covers match specifications, a low level mechanism which match and test the arguments passed to traced function calls.
The dbg tool
The dbg tool is a text based debugger providing a friendly interface to the trace bifs. This section introduces the tool and covers how this tool can be used in a distributed environment or how the output can be redirected on other nodes, log files, ports and sockets.