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Nick Smallbone
Functional programmer and member of the ProTest project - Chalmers University of Technology
Quviq AB

Nick Smallbone is a PhD student at Chalmers, where he spends his time doing functional programming, and is also involved in the ProTest project. He is one of the authors of QuickSpec, the tool that will be presented in the tutorial.

Nick Smallbone is Giving the Following Talks
Tutorial - QuickCheck specification for free

In this 90 minute tutorial we present a tool which can automatically derive QuickCheck specifications from Erlang programs. These specifications consist of "interesting facts" about the program under test, which can be used to improve program comprehension, and for future testing as the software evolves. Surprising facts--or missing ones--can quickly reveal inconsistencies in the design of the software.

You will gain hands-on experience with automatic generation of software specifications, and learn which symptoms to look for when judging whether these specifications correspond to a correct implementation.