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DevOps Bootcamp

Date: 31-03-2012

Time Talk
9:00 - 10:30 Tutorial: Demystifying Erlang Releases, Upgrades and Deployment
Joe Williams
10:30 - 12:00 Tutorial: Monitoring and Management of Erlang in Production
Cliff Moon
13:00 - 14:30 Tutorial: Fine-tuning the Erlang VM
Kevin Smith
14:30 - 16:00 Tutorial: Tracing and Debugging
Jesper Louis Andersen Lukas Larsson

29-03-2012, Thursday
DevOps, host: Christian Westbrook

DevOps" is a new track for the 2012 Erlang factories looking at the emerging set of principles, methods and practices for communication, collaboration and integration between Software development and operations staff. Erlang old timers will say they have been doing DevOps for years, only calling it something different. This track looks at setting that record straight. It will cover tools, procedures and infrastructure needed in the management and deployment of Erlang systems.

29-03-2012, Thursday
Erlang In Business, host: Charles McKnight

As Erlang grows into new niches, more and more companies are betting on Erlang as a strategic, game-changing technology. In this track, you will hear non technical talks from people who are using Erlang in business-critical settings or supplanting legacy technologies. They will share the benefits and advantages of using Erlang as a tool to build massively scalable, soft real time systems.

29-03-2012, Thursday
Big Data, host: Steve Vinoski

Ever since Mnesia entered the scene in 1995, Erlang has been a language for the most discriminating database hackers. With CouchDB, Scalaris and Riak, Erlang is now on the forefront of the NoSQL wave - the biggest revolution in the database world since E.F. Codd invented the Relational Model. Alongside massive non-relational storage mediums, Erlang’s ability to distribute load across massive clusters has resulted in a wide range of frameworks, applications and uses around big data. This tracks investigates them all.

29-03-2012, Thursday
Cool Tools and Gadgets, host: Jesper Louis Andersen

The Tools and Gadgets Track explores the latest tools, academic research projects and library applications for the Erlang Developers and Testers.

30-03-2012, Friday
Erlang, Libraries & the VM, host: Michal Ptaszek

In this track, you will learn from the leading experts and Erlang committers about new language constructs, virtual machine implementations and powerful libraries. Esoteric VM implementations are presented, alongside improvements and enhancements to the existing VM. You will learn how many of its features work and how to best use them to write fast and efficient code. You will also find language specific talks, covering subjects from NIFs to extension proposals.

30-03-2012, Friday
The Polyglot Programmer, host: Dave Smith

Use the right tool for the right job! Erlang has often been used together with other languages or systems. This track looks at examples of how Erlang can be integrated efficiently with other languages for optimal usage. It also lets you widen your horizons and delve into things non-Erlang.

30-03-2012, Friday
Case Studies & Architecture, host: James Aimonetti

As Erlang's popularity grows, it keeps breaking into new niches and adopted companies not previously associated with the language. In this track we get to listen to the experiences of users better known for their association with other technologies rather than Erlang, looking at architectures and benefits of the language.

30-03-2012, Friday
Erlang in the Cloud, host: Ram C Singh

It has been said that Erlang if a perfect fit for cloud computing. Not only for developing applications, but also for powering cloud infrastructure. It has been used for cloud computing like applications and infrastructure a decade before the term was coined. The distributed and scalable nature of the cloud, both when implementing the underlying architecture and for applications running on them, fits Erlang like a glove. This track will at look at Erlang in the clouds from both sides.

31-03-2012, Saturday

31-03-2012, Saturday
Community Day

31-03-2012, Saturday

31-03-2012, Saturday
DevOps Bootcamp

31-03-2012, Saturday

Erlang User Conference: Call for Talks open until 10 March

The conference will take place on 9-10 June. It will be followed by one day of tutorials on 11 June and 3 days of expert training on 11-13 June. 

We are currently accepting talk submissions for the Erlang User Conference 2014. If you have an interesting project you are working on or would like to share your knowledge, please submit your talk here. The deadline is 10th of March.