Zurich Erlang Factory Lite 2014
The Zurich Erlang Factory Lite took place on 10 April and it was hosted by Rackspace. The main goal of the event was to introduce the latest developments and innovations in the world of Erlang programming language and showcase some of the most interesting Erlang related technologies including Riak and Elixir.
Big thanks to our speakers: Muharem Hrnjadovic, Younes Hafri, Tino Breddin, Alvaro Videla, Lee Barnard, sponsors: Rackspace, Erlang Solutions, Basho technologies and an excellent audience!
It wouldn't have been possible without you!
Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2014
Erlang Factory 2014 was great, see you in 2015!
Check out some coverage of the event in HuffPost Code, the interviews with Dave Thomas on Dr. Dobbs and with Jose Valim on O'Reilly website, as well as Kenji Rikitake's review on his blog.
Videos and slides here
See you on 26-27 March 2015!
Toronto Erlang Factory Lite 2013 - 23 November
Our first ever Toronto Erlang Factory Lite was the excellent experience! The conference took place on 23 November at Polar. It was a day-long debate on Erlang as a powerful tool for building innovative, scalable and fault tolerant applications.
Our speakers showcased examples from their work experience and their personal success stories, thus presenting how Erlang solves the problems related to scalability and performance.
The event brought together over 50 Erlang and functional programmers!
Big thank you to our speakers: Garrett Smith, Yurii Rashkovskii, Louis-Philippe Gauthier, Fred Hebert, Igor Ostaptchenko, Christopher Meiklejohn, Tom Santero, sponsors: Polar, Basho, Github, Erlang Solutions and an excellent audience! Thank you all for sharing your knowledge, passion, experience and bringing such a great energy into the room! It wouldn't have been possible without you!
Look forward to seeing you at the future Erang events!
Tel Aviv Erlang Factory Lite - 23 October
Submit your talk!
The first Erlang Factory in Israel has been announced! We will come to the Google Campus Tel Aviv on 23 October.
Talks will be delivered both in English and in Hebrew.
Watch this space and follow us on twitter for further updates.
Berlin Erlang Factory Lite 2013 - 16 October
Record attendance!
With 132 participants, the Berlin Erlang Factory Lite was one of the biggest one-day events we've run until now! Another great thing was seeing so many new people eager to learn more about Erlang. As always, it was great seeing you and we hope to meet again next year!
In the meantime, check out the Erlounge Berlin and Berlin.ex monthly meetups.
A very special thanks goes to our co-organiser Heinz N. Gies, to our sponsors Basho, Github, Goto, Wooga and to SumUp - thanks for the after-drinks, guys!
Fun #erlangfactory ! Nice to see the Berlin scene being so large. 120 attendees is a lot more than I expected.
Just returned from #erlangfactory Berlin. Nice talks, nice people.
Wow, a lot of retweets and favorites for my #ErlangFactory tweets today. Was a great conference, and the price was a steal!
Chicago Erlang Factory Lite 2013 - 4 October
It Was an Absolutely Unique Event!
On the 4th of October the first Chicago Erlang Factory Lite brought the power of Erlang to software professionals and organizations looking to build highly concurrent, scalable, fault tolerant applications. That was a perfect time to find out what makes Erlang such an effective tool for innovation, discover how companies solved real-world challenges with Erlang and learn from language experts.
The conference covered the topics such as:
- What makes Erlang unique among other general purpose software platforms
- How others have used Erlang as a competitive business advantage
- Practical strategies for getting started with Erlang in your organization
The Chicago Erlang Factory Lite was held at the Gene Siskel Film Center in the heart of Chicago’s theater district - within walking distance of the loop, the near north neighborhoods and the lakefront!
Big thank you goes to all the attendees and speakers who made this event such a great experience. Our speaker's dream team included Alexander Gounares, Adam Denenberg, Garrett Smith, Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya, Susan Potter, Corey Haines, Christopher Meiklejohn, Steve Vinoski, Sean Cribbs, Todd Bittner, Jesse Gumm and Evan Miller.
NYC Erlang Factory Lite 2013- 14 September
They say fall is the best season in New York. Well, this fall is about to get a lot better: The Erlang Factory Lite is coming to New York on the 14th of September! Tickets are $90, and half-price student tickets are available.
The high points of the day will be the keynotes of Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding. Adam Denenberg, VP of Engineering at the Huffington Post will talk about the architecture and setup built to power Huff Post’s WebSocket-based commenting framework. Basho’s Chris Meiklejohn will provide an introduction to building Riak Core applications. Fred Hebert – of Learn You Some Erlang fame will talk about why a large part of Heroku’s cloud platform routing stack is written in Erlang. Other speakers include Christian Gribneau - CTO of Ology Media, Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya - creator of the first Erlang Cloud PBX and LP Gauthier lead software developer of AdGear Trader. More info on speakers and talks on the Speakers page.
If you want to get a firm grip on the Erlang Basics, you can't miss the 3 day Erlang Express course taught by co-inventor of Erlang Robert Virding before the factory on 11-13 September. Check out all course details here.
Erlang User Conference 2013
EUC2013 was great!
For the 19th time in a row, the Erlang User Conference was a hit! 8 tracks and 64 speakers including Erlang's inventors and many other top Erlang experts.
Big Thanks to our speakers and sponsors, and another big Thank You to all our delegates. It was great having you and we can't wait to see you next year.
Check out the #EUC2013 photo album on our Facebook group and stay tuned for the slides and videos soon to be uploaded on the website.
@RamCSingh @erlangfactory Actually we took off w/the rainbow visible from the plane. A first, I thought & how fitting. #euc2013 was special.
Good bye Stockholm, see you next year. Or this year, depending on the #Erlang events here. Yet again, #euc2013 was a blast.
implementing all the cool ideas generated during #euc2013
Dublin Erlang Factory Lite 2013
The Erlang Factory Lite in Dublin!
The Erlang Factory Lite took place in Dublin on the 23rd of May, bringing an excellent opportunity to review the latest projects and developments in the world of Erlang, from an array of great speakers. Not to mention socialising with the Erlang crowd over a few pints of Guinness! The conference was a big success, getting very positive feedback from the conference attendees.
The Dublin Erlang Factory Lite was organised in collaboration with AOL, and took place at their headquarters in Dublin: The Brunel Building in Heuston South Quarter, Ireland.
Hopefully there will be another chance to meet at Dublin Erlang Factory Lite, next year!
Budapest Erlang Factory Lite 2013
Come to Budapest on 30 May
The Budapest Erlang Factory Lite is an event for developers, architects and tech entrepreneurs interested in distributed systems, multi-core software development and functional programming.This is a great chance to hear Erlang experts talk about the latest innovations and projects, but also a chance to meet the local Erlang crowd.
Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2013
Erlang Factory SF Bay 2013 was a blast!
The Conference offered two full days of presentations and discussions, with over 50 speakers between 21-22 March.
Univeristy Courses took place on 18 - 20 March for University Courses (Erlang Express, OTP and Riak) and the hands-on Raspberry Pi tutorial on 20 March.
This year Erlang Factory SF Bay Area explored subjects crucial for the Gaming Industry, Social Networks, Messaging and Infrastructure. We'll discuss Big Data, the Neural Network, tools like RabbitMQ and we'll compare databases.
It was a great opportunity to learn from the experience of companies such as: WhatsApp, Basho, Ericsson, Erlang Solutions, Heroku, Spilgames, Linden Lab, InfoBlox, Microsoft, Rakuten, OpenX and Concurix.
...and to mingle with our brainy speakers, including Loïc Hoguin, Noah Gift, Alexander Gounares, Geoff Cant, Garrett Smith and many more.
Krakow Erlang Factory Lite 2013
This year we had the pleasure of having six exceptional speakers at our conference. Their presentations highlighted some of the latest applications of Erlang related technologies.
Votes are already in, and soon we will know who the attendees chose to be crowned the best speaker! The competition is tough this year.
We are pleased to announce that Minor Poland Branch of The Polish Information Processing Society was the honorary patron of the Krakow Erlang Factory Lite 2013.
See you all next year!
Munich Erlang Factory Lite 2013
Munich Erlang Factory Lite 2013 was held on the 19th of February. It is organised in collaboration with Pavlo Baron and Basho.
It was another opportunity to meet up and review innovative projects and solutions related to Erlang programming laguage, with elements of NoSQL and Riak.
Not to mention networking and hanging out with other participants and with some great speakers: Pavlo Baron, Darach Ennis, Peer Stritzinger, Gustav Simonsson and many others.
London Erlang Factory Lite
London Erlang Factory Lite 2012 was held in November 2012 (5-7 November - Training, 8 November - Conference).
Co-organised by Google and hosted at their Campus.
As with all Factory Lites, this event provided a chance to learn, socialise and network with some fantastic names including book authors and talented coders.
The conference day was filled with 12 talks and 15 speakers including Erlang co-inventors Robert Virding and Mike Williams. It was an excellent opportunity to find out how to use Google APIs with Erlang, learn about Travis-CI, RabbitMQ and Riak or listen to case studies on how Erlang is used in radio astronomy and smart energy sectors. We had a speakers from companies such as Basho, Klarna, VMware and Erlang Solutions. A day packed with knowledge, networking opportunities, great company and beer at the Basho-sponsored Erlounge in the evening.
Paris Erlang Factory Lite 2012
La conférence fut un énorme succès ! Pas moins de 11 intervenants et 60 personnes sont venus assister à l'évènement ! Le feedback que nous avons reçu était tellement positif que nous répéterons la conférence l'an prochain ! Qu'on se le dise !
Vancouver Erlang Factory Lite - 28 Jul 2012
The 2012 Vancouver Erlang Factory Lite was held at the SFU Harbour Centre on 28th of July. The speakers from companies such as Opscode, Heroku, Basho and Vocalocity gave top notch talks on some of the latest Erlang related problems and technologies. The big subjects this year were the NoSQL databases such as Riak and Erlang in production.
The programme was varied so that developers at different levels of advancement could benefit from attending the conference. We hope we've succeeded at inspiring some newbies to get to know Erlang better as well as managed to raise the interest of our more experienced guests.
As usual, Erlang Factory Lite was a great opportunity to network and exchange ideas. Hope to see you all again next time!
Moscow Erlang Factory Lite 2012
The Moscow Erlang Factory Lite proved to be an enormous success. Tickets to attend were in great demand; within 48 hours of launching the site over 100 people had signed up to attend. Hosted by Yandex at their premises the room was packed with bright minds all eager to learn and talk Erlang.
A number of delegates were so inspired to learn more, they subsequently enrolled in Erlang elearning.
St Andrews Erlang Factory Lite 2012
The 2012 Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP 2012) and associated events were held at St Andrews University on June 11-15, 2012. There was a strong Erlang presence at TFP 2012, with a number of exciting co-located events including Erlang tutorials, workshop dedicated to the EU Framework 7 ParaPhrase and Release projects, and a St Andrews Erlang Factory Lite!
Attendees of the Factory Lite came to find out how more firms are using Erlang/OTP to solve previously intractable problems. It provided a chance to learn, socialise and network with some fantastic names.
TFP 2012 and was sponsored by Erlang Solutions Ltd, and the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA).
Zurich Erlang Factory Lite
Together with the Zurich FLOSS and IT geeks and hosted by ETH Zurich, the Zurich Erlang Factory Lite took place on the 23 April 2012. The Factory Lite provided a chance to learn, socialise and network with some fantastic names. These included book authors and talented coders.
Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2012
"What can be done with Java, but should better be done with Erlang"
This year’s Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2012 had an A-list sell-out line-up of speakers which included Erlang Inventors Mike Williams and Robert Virding discussing software approaches used in the industry and the unique features of the Erlang VM and a Keynote talk from Jim Zemlin, Executive Director of The Linux Foundation.
What people were saying about the conference:
@hungryblank - Sad to leave #erlangfactory early, amazing people, great knowledge and ideas, lots of fun. Thanks to the awesome team that made it happen
@momo13 - Last talk for me at #erlangfactory was the entertaining and interesting tutorial by @FrancescoC Great conference, thanks to the organizers!
@igorclark - amazing #erlangfactory talk by Rick Reed about scaling #erlang VM & #freebsd to hit ~2.8m simultaneous @WhatsApp connections. mind: blown.
@philtoland - Lots of cool people here. Some great hallway conversations. #erlangfactory
Anyone interested in massively concurrent and scalable systems who wanted to be ready to tackle the multi-core revolution and conquer the cloud knew that the Erlang Factory SF Bay Area was THE conference to be at in 2012. Companies that presented included AOL, The Boston Globe, Ericsson, HP, Nokia, GitHub, Heroku, OpsCode, Basho, CouchBase and WhatsApp which just goes to show how much the use of Erlang is growing year after year.
Krakow Erlang Factory Lite 2012
This year we had the pleasure of having nine exceptional speakers at our conference. Each presented a thirty-minute talk on some of the latest applications of Erlang related technologies.
Among our guests were many of Krakow's top Erlang professionals and enthusiasts as well as Thomas Arts and Jesper Luis Andersen who came to Poland especially for the conference.
The conference ended later than we expected due to the vivid discussions that took place after the presentations.
We had a prize draw - three lucky participants received the “I love Erlang” t-shirts and posters on which the three fathers of Erlang will place their autographs and personalized dedications.
The discussion then moved to one of Krakow’s many pubs where our guests had an opportunity to network in a more informal environment.
See you all next year!
Brussels Erlang Factory Lite
Due to an increasing use of Erlang within Belgium, it was felt that and Erlang Factory Lite was needed. The Factory Lite is a meeting devoted to Erlang and its potential. It is also a chance for you to learn, socialise and network with some fantastic names.
The Erlang Factory Lite is being hosted and co-organised by the Software Languages Lab.
The Erlang Factory Lite is open to everybody with any level of Erlang experience from newbies to experienced developers. Why not come along and meet up with like-minded developers and architects and find out how more firms are using Erlang/OTP to solve previously intractable problems.
Brisbane Factory Lite
Together with YOW! and hosted by Queensland University of Technology, we will be holding an Erlang Factory Lite on the 4 December. The Factory Lite will be a chance for you to learn, socialise and network with some fantastic names.
The Erlang Factory Lite is open to everybody with any level of Erlang experience from newbies to experienced developers and is only AUD $20 to attend. With speakers such as Steve Vinoski and Robert Virding you won't want to miss out!
Why not come along and meet up with like-minded developers and architects and find out how more firms are using Erlang/OTP to solve previously intractable problems.
We will also be offering an Erlang OTP 3 day course running 7 - 9 December 2011 in Brisbane and and Erlang Express course in Melbourne on the 28 - 30 November. For more details about this please see the Universitypage.
We are also happy to announce that we will be offering all attendees for the Erlang Factory Lite and/or the Erlang University a 10% discount of the entry price to YOW! Australia. The Registration for YOW! is now open.
Erlang User Conference 2011
A Sold Out Conference with Record Numbers
With well over 320 members of the Erlang community in attendance, this year's Erlang User Conference was not only the biggest but possibly the best ever! The 17th International Erlang User Conference welcomed delegates from across the globe with some traveling from as far as the USA.
The delegates were also given the choice of 3 tracks with a fantastic line up of speakers featuring Scott Lystig Fritchie, Dale Harvey, Paolo Negri and Ulf Wiger.
November 2011 belonged to the Erlang User Conference!May 2012 belongs to the Erlang User Conference!
Amsterdam Factory Lite
Together with Maxclass and TTY Internet Solutions we will be holding an Erlang Factory Lite on the 16 October. The Factory Lite will be a chance for you to learn, socialise and network with some fantastic names.
The Erlang Factory Lite is open to everybody with any level of Erlang experience from newbies to experienced developers.
Why not come along and meet up with like minded developers and architects or alternatively come along and find out how more firms are using Erlang/OTP to solve previously intractable problems. The event is totally free but does require registration.
Paris Erlang Factory Lite
Together with AF83, we will be hosting an Erlang Factory Lite in Paris on the 25 September. The Erlang Factory Lite is open to everybody with any level of Erlang experience from newbies to experienced developers. Agile guruDominic Williams and CouchDB expert Benoît Chesneau, alongside AF83's very own Romain Gauthier who will be speaking about UC Engine.
Why not come along and meet up with like-minded developers and architects or alternatively come along and find out how more firms are using Erlang/OTP to solve previously intractable problems. The event is totally free but does require registration.
Erlang Factory Lites
The Factory Lites range from a half-day conference to a full day with a variety of speakers and Erlang-related talks. The events are a great way, no matter your Erlang knowledge, to learn more and network with some great names in the programming world.
Alongside the Erlang Factory Lites there will also be the chance to take a 3-day Erlang University course in a selection of topics.
Munich Erlang Factory Lite | 29 September 2012 | Factory Lite |
London Erlang Factory Lite |
8 November 2012 |
Factory Lite |
Edinburgh Factory Lite
On the 28 August 2011, the first Edinburgh Erlang Factory Lite took place. It ran along side this year's Turing Festival and was co-organised with hypernumbers. The event had a fantastic number of attendees for the first one of its kind in Edinburgh. The event featured talks from some of the leading Erlang programmers including one of the inventors of Erlang, Robert Virding. The Factory Lite was a chance for you to learn, socialise and network with some fantastic names.
People came along and met up with like minded developers and architects and found out how more firms are using Erlang/OTP to solve previously intractable problems. The event was totally free.
Erlang Factory London 2011
A PropEr Conference
This year's Erlang Factory London was a great success, with delegates attending from over 18 countries! Speakers included Robert Virding and Mike Williams, inventors of Erlang, Kostis Sagonas, the leader of the HIPE Team at Uppsala University, Marcus Kern, CTO at MIG, Steve Vinoski, distributed systems expert and Scott Lystig Fritchie, senior software engineer at Basho Technologies with many more in attendance.
The keynotes came from, Mike Williams, one of the inventors of Erlang and Kostis Sagonas, Leader of the HiPE team and Erlang tool developer at Uppsala University and the National Technical University of Athens. Mike gave an interesting talk on "Why Erlang was invented and a few things you don't want to tell your manager about Erlang." On day two of the conference, Kostis gave a "PropEr Talk" which looked at PropEr, an open-source, tool for property-based testing in Erlang.
Erlang Factory Lite Munich
We are pleased to announce that the Erlang Factory Lite in Munich on the 31st January 2011 was a great success! The event was hosted by TNG Technology Consulting GmbH and organised by author Pavlo Baron andErlang Solutions.
With a growing community in Germany it was felt that it was time to launch an Erlang event. The Factory Lite delivered some of the top names in Erlang and some fantastic talks. Everybody also had the chance to network with their fellow programmers.
Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2011
Record Numbers!!
This year’s Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2011 reached record delegate numbers with over 170 in attendance! The conference gave everyone a fantastic chance to listen to some great talks, network and socialise with some of the best programmers around. This year's conference saw an additional 10 talks on last year and boasted the best programme we have ever put together.
2 days of exciting talks and 3 days of expert training took place from 21st - 25th March 2011 at the Hilton San Francisco Airport Hotel. Like in previous years the conference was aimed at Erlang enthusiasts from architects to newbies.
Speakers included Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding– the inventors of Erlang, Damien Katz – the creator of CouchDB, keynote talks from Kostis Sagonas - Leader of the HiPE team at Uppsala University and inventor of Dialyzer and Dan Ingalls - The principal architect of five generations of Smalltalk environment, with many more Erlang experts from the US, Europe and the rest of the world.
This year's Erlang University, ran from 21st to 23rd of March and was taught by O'Reilly author Simon Thompson and Erlang Co-Inventor, Robert Virding. Two exciting additions were 3-day courses on Erlang and Test Driven Development, and XMPP with Erlang and EjabberD. Erlang and TDD was aimed at testers and developers who know Erlang but want to learn the art of TDD. It was taught by Learn You Some Erlang's very own Fred Trottier-Hébert. XMPP with Erlang and EjabberD was taught by XMPP Programming author and expert Jack Moffit.
Thank you to everyone for making this years conference not only a great success but also a pleasure to attend and organise.
Erlang Factory Lite Krakow 2010
Erlang Factory Lite – For a second year running the event proves to be a huge success.
The meeting was devoted to Erlang and its potential. It began with presentations on Erlang usage in popular commercial products. The event kicked off with a talk from Co-inventor of Erlang, Robert Virding, who discussed Erlang rationale and the history of Erlang.
For those of you who are not familiar with Erlang yet, here you can find information about the language in Polish and here in English.
The audience had the opportunity to learn about Erlang and how it deals with the biggest challenges of coming years:
- Conquering embedded devices with Erlang
- Integrating XMPP based communicator with large scale portal
- The benefits of Riak
- How a large scale business uses Erlang
Erlang User Conference 2010
This year's Erlang User Conference was the biggest so far, with over 300 delegates gathering from around the globe. The conference saw an increase of over 70 delegates on last year, proof that the Erlang community is growing.
Delegates had the opportunity to meet the fathers of Erlang, ask them questions and listen to 15 brilliant talks, which have been recorded and will soon be available on our website. For those of you who would like to view the presentation slides from the speakers, click here. For a flavour of the event, take a look at the twitter feed #euc2010. Who knew a conference could be so much fun!
Tutorial Workshop 2010, Stockholm
On Monday 15th November 2010 there was a series of tutorials held at the Ericsson Conference Centre. They started at 9am and ran till 6pm.
They allowed delegates to optimise their visit to Stockholm by taking in this event in conjunction with the EUC 2010 on Tuesday 16th November 2010 which was held at the Old Astoria Cinema in Nybrogatan again.
Speakers and talks were varied with many different options to choose from. Places were limited and registration was very popular. You can view the slides from the tutorials here.
Erlang Factory Lite LA
The first Erlang Factory Lite LA was a great success with over 40 delegates in attendance.
It was held on Sunday 7th November 2010 and was organised by Erlang Solutions and The Bitsource. The Factory Lite gave delegates the chance to network with their fellow programmers, find out what’s new in the Erlang community and listen to some of the worlds leading speakers on Erlang. Speakers included; Ulf Wiger, CTO of Erlang Solutions, Kresten Krab Thorup, Chief Architext and Co-founder of EOS Trifork and Robert Virding, one of the creators of Erlang and stars of Erlang The Movie.
With a growing Erlang community in the LA area, we hope to make this event a regular occurrence and build on it year after year.
The Factory Lite was sponsored by MySpace and hosted in their Beverly Hills premises, the event was be free to attend and ran from 11am - 4pm.
The Erlang Lite meeting aims to bring people together and share thoughts and ideas while growing the community within the LA area and give you the chance to present and share with the community.
With the chance to see some of the leading speakers in their field the Erlang Factory Lite LA was an event not to be missed by Erlang enthusiasts and programmers of all languages.
Erlang Factory London 2010
The largest London Erlang Factory to-date ended on 11th June. Over 135 delegates and speakers, from as far away as Argentina, Mexico, the US, Israel and South Africa, were treated to talks from across the Erlang spectrum. There was an Erlounge held on the first evening where a series of lightening talks were followed by a traditional Erlang evening of beer and networking.
Again, the format of six tracks allowed a broad focus for delegates to select talks aligned to their specific interests. The Keynote talks this year - from Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding on Day 1 and Martin Odersky on Day 2 - were very well received and it was a privilege to have these speakers with us.
You can also subscribe to our Erlang Factory newsletter to receive the latest updates and news or follow @erlangfactory on Twitter.
Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2010
The Erlang Factory SFBay Area was a resounding success with 34 speakers delivering talks in three tracks to an audience of over 120! The event was held at the San Francisco Airport Hilton and proved to be the largest Erlang event in the US so far, overtaking last year's despite the continuing effects of the downturn in the marketplace.
There were delegates and speakers from Argentina, Brazil, Israel, Japan, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, and Italy as well as from all parts of the US. This resulted in a very stimulating environment where Erlang was discussed and user's experiences compared.
As part of this, an Erlounge was held on the evening of the first day at a nearby Yacht Club and featured a number of 10-minute talks by delegates as well as the usual drinks and buffet. Delegates and speakers were able to mix and get into deep discussions in a very convivial environment.
The Erlang Factory team wish to thanks everyone who attended in San Francisco for making this event so memorable, and we look forward to seeing you all again next year! Or even again this year in London!
Erlang Factory Lite Krakow 2009
Erlang Factory Lite – the first Erlang day in Krakow was a great success!
meeting was devoted to Erlang and its potential. It began with
presentations on Erlang usage in popular commercial products, but the
main part of the meeting was the lecture of our special guest, Ulf Wiger – Uber Erlang programmer and CTO of Erlang Training and Consulting Ltd, soon Erlang Solutions Ltd.
For those of you who are not familiar with Erlang yet, here you can find information about the language in Polish and here in English.
The audience had the opportunity to learn about Erlang and how it deals with the biggest challenges of coming years:
- multicore processors, clouds and parallel computations
- distributed databases and scalable systems
- reliabilty and soft-real time systems
- integration with other technologies
Property-based Testing Tutorial Workshop 2009, Stockholm

In 2007 the ProTest Consortium was established with a financial contribution from the European Commission to help fund the project. This project aims to support industry to maintain 5-nines (99.999%) reliability in future service-oriented networks and systems. Testing of complex systems is extremely difficult and time-consuming. In order to deliver dynamic services and interoperable network applications with guaranteed properties, the project focuses on testing around these properties.
The project will deliver methods and tools to support property-based development of systems.
Property-driven development is a powerful new mechanism for gaining assurance of system reliability and functionality. However, in order to deliver its full benefits we need tools to integrate property-based testing into the development life cycle.
Project Goals
- develop software engineering approaches to improve reliability of service-oriented networks
- support fault-finding and diagnosis based on specified properties of the system
- build automated tools that will generate and run tests, monitor execution at run-time, and log events for analysis.
Erlang User Conference 2009, Stockholm
This year's Erlang User Conference was a very successful gathering with delegates from as far afield as the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Over 250 delegates were in attendance, up from 140 in 2008!
The Erlang User Conference has brought together Erlangers from around Europe and worldwide and in that way has highlighted strengthening interest in Erlang, not only in its 'birthplace' .
Delegates had the opportunity to meet the fathers of Erlang, ask them questions and listen to 14 brilliant talks, which have been recorded and will soon be available on our website. For those of you who would like to view the presentation slides from the speakers, these are now available here. For a flavour of the event, take a look at the twitter feed #EUC.
SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop 2009, Edinburgh
Erlang is a concurrent, distributed functional programming language
aimed at systems with requirements on massive concurrency, soft real
time response, fault tolerance, and high availability. It has been
available as open source for several years creating a community that
actively contributes to its already existing rich set of libraries and
applications. Originally created for telecom applications, its usage
has spread to other domains including e-commerce, banking, and computer
Erlang programs are today among the largest
applications written in any functional programming language. These
applications offer new opportunities to evaluate functional programming
and functional programming methods on a very large scale and suggest
new problems for the research community to solve.
Erlang Factory London 2009
The London Erlang Factory retained its place as the biggest gathering
of Erlang talent in 2009, surpassing even the Palo Alto Factory! With
more than 40 speakers and a series of 10-minute talks at the Erlounge,
the London Factory brought together Erlangers from five continents. The
Erlang Universities also proved popular and allowed delegates to
combine their training with the conference for a great value-adding
The presentation slides and videos of the talks can be found on the Speakers and Talks pages for those delegates who could not decide on which talk to attend and for those who could not make it in person.
Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2009
Almost 120 delegates and speakers attended what was the largest
gathering of Erlang Expertise ever in the US and the second largest in
the world after last year's Erlang Exchange in London.
A total
of 35 talks were delivered by 38 speakers and track hosts in the two
days. Each day had three separate tracks and the main complaint from
delegates was the difficulty in deciding which of the tracks to attend.
Videos of most of the talks and the presentations will be available at Speakers
in the next few days, for those who could not attend, or delegates who were
faced with a difficult choice. Just click on the Speaker and view the
video or download/view the presentation.
The Erlang Factory moves
to London in the last week of June 2009. If you missed it in Palo Alto
- come and experience the Speakers, training courses and networking in